In the Classroom: Reading the World |
Multi-Modal Reading: How Reading Has Changed Drawing from the work of Walter Ong, William Cope, Mary Kalantzis, and scholars of the New London Group, Angela Stockman will offer expansive definitions of writing and text beside invitations to approach reading as an embodied and richly multimodal experience. Tangible tools and strategies will be offered beside case studies that demonstrate their use, preparing all participants to return to their classrooms ready to apply this new learning.
Angela Stockman |
2/13/2025 |
In the Classroom |
Building Student Engagement Does your classroom ever feel stuck, or out-of-tune? Meaningful teaching is something educators strive for each day. Educators also know that there is no such thing as a perfect classroom. Despite our best intentions, our classrooms sometimes feel like they're stuck, or out of tune. In this webinar, Antero Garcia will explain why we should allow students to play an integral role in turning classrooms into spaces for greater engagement and innovation.
Antero Garcia |
1/18/2024 |
of Building Student Engagement
In The Classroom |
Flexing Students' Reading Muscles What can teachers do when students balk at doing the assigned reading? Why do so many students have difficulty staying with a book for more than a few minutes? In this webinar, Carol Jago will demonstrate instructional moves that help students increase their reading stamina and develop greater confidence in themselves as readers. Based on current research in adolescent literacy, she will offer texts and tasks designed to engage today’s teenagers while enlarging their capacity for comprehending what they read.
Carol Jago |
4/18/2024 |
of Flexing Students' Reading Muscles
Teaching for Change |
Reading Fast and Slow Access password: ?@=DA1Qv
Carol Jago |
12/1/2020 |
of Reading Fast and Slow
Spring ERWC Online Professional Learning |
Exploring the ERWC Online Community WebSite, with a Focus on Teaching ERWC in Virtual Classrooms
Chris Street and Lori Campbell |
4/10/2020 |
Spring ERWC Online Professional Learning |
Deeper Discussions: How to Create and Sustain Meaningful Interaction in Online Discussions
Chris Street and Lori Campbell |
4/21/2020 |
The Language and Literacy Webinar Series |
The Rhetoric of Poetry The ERWC community is pleased to kickoff its Spring webinar series with a very special guest, Daniel Summerhill. In this session, Daniel will explore the connection between rhetoric and poetry and his work to transform language for the purposes of social action, community building, and truth-telling.
Daniel B. Summerhill is Professor of Poetry/Social Action and Composition Studies at California State University Monterey and the inaugural Poet Laureate of Monterey County, CA. He is the author of Divine, Divine, Divine (Nomadic Press), a semifinalist for the Charles B. Wheeler Prize. Summerhill holds an M.F.A. from Pine Manor College (Solstice). He received the Sharon Olds Fellowship and was nominated to Everipedia’s 30 under 30 list.
Recording Unavailable.
Daniel Summerhill |
1/18/2023 |
The Language and Literacy Webinar Series |
Exploring a Translanguaging Approach to Bilingual Education
Danling Fu |
11/16/2022 |
Going LIVE! |
Teaching Counterstory in the Secondary Classroom
Dr. Aja Martinez |
10/14/2021 |
of Teaching Counterstory in the Secondary Classroom
The Language and Literacy Webinar Series |
A Principled Approach to Writing Welcome Anne Whitney as she joins our three-part webinar series on writing in the classroom. Anne will introduce the key elements of NCTE's "Principled Approach to Writing" and discuss how they impact writing instruction.
Dr. Anne Whitney is a former high school English teacher. Her research addresses writing and how writing works in school and life. This work has included studies in elementary, secondary, college, and professional development settings and non-school contexts such as churches.
Recording Unavailable.
Dr. Anne Whitney |
3/16/2023 |
Teaching for Change |
Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy |
Dr. April Baker-Bell |
3/16/2021 |
of Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy
Going LIVE! |
Exploring Grammar Instruction
Dr. Darren Crovitz |
12/2/2021 |
of Exploring Grammar Instruction
Going LIVE! |
Cultivating Genius and Joy
Dr. Gholdy Muhammad |
11/4/2021 |
Going LIVE! |
Unpacking Universal Design for Learning: Practices for Building Equitable Classrooms |
Dr. Ginny Crisco |
8/25/2021 |
of Unpacking Universal Design for Learning: Practices for Building Equitable Classrooms
In the Classroom: Reading the World |
Rhetorical Affordances: Recasting Texts for New Learning In this webinar, the presenters focus on strategies for finding rhetorical affordances. Affordances are elements of a text that can be used as models for teaching. Rhetorical affordances highlight the ways that authors construct their text in relation to an audience. This webinar will focus on how text such as Audre Lorde’s “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action” from the “Language, Gender, and Culture” module point to the rhetorical affordances that authors of color use to make their arguments. Additionally, the webinar will demonstrate how seeking rhetorical affordances in Joy Harjo’s “How to Write a Poem in a Time of War” from the “Poetry for the People” module can demonstrate to students the value of considering primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences.
Dr. Ginny Crisco and Dr. Glen McClish |
12/12/2024 |
of Rhetorical Affordances: Recasting Texts for New Learning
Going LIVE! |
Teaching Literature Rhetorically: Transferring the Rhetorical Skills Emphasized in the ERWC Curriculum to the Teaching of Literature
Dr. Jennifer Fletcher |
9/23/2021 |
of Teaching Literature Rhetorically: Transferring the Rhetorical Skills Emphasized in the ERWC Curriculum to the Teaching of Literature
The Language and Literacy Webinar Series |
Authentic Writing Instruction Nadia will share her research into "authentic" writing instruction and offer strategies for building a robust writing program at the high school and middle school levels.
Nadia Behizadeh is an associate professor of adolescent literacy in the College of Education & Human Development’s Department of Middle and Secondary Education. She is also a co-director for the Center for Equity and Justice in Teacher Education. In addition to her scholarly activities, Behizadeh teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in educational research and theory, English language arts methods and content literacy.
Recording Unavailable.
Dr. Nadia Behizadeh |
4/19/2023 |
In the Classroom |
The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: Decolonize Your Classroom The fall 2023 webinar series continues this month with an exciting presentation from Felicia Rose-Chavez who will present "a new approach for a new millennium--a blueprint for a twenty-first-century writing workshop that concedes the humanity of people of color so that we may raise our voices in vote for love over hate." This session will include select readings from Rose-Chavez's book "The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How To Decolonize the Creative Classroom." Can't wait to see you there!
Recording Unavailable.
Felicia Rose-Chavez |
10/19/2023 |
Spring ERWC Online Professional Learning |
Guiding Students into Making Real-World Writing Decisions Using "The Daily Me" (Part 1)
Jeffery E. Frieden |
4/28/2020 |
Spring ERWC Online Professional Learning |
Guiding Students into Making Real-World Writing Decisions Using "The Daily Me" (Part 2)
Jeffery E. Frieden |
5/5/2020 |
Spring ERWC Online Professional Learning |
Tools and Strategies for Moving ERWC Courses Online
Jen Roberts |
4/14/2020 |
Spring ERWC Online Professional Learning |
Ready to Launch? Converting Your ERWC Module to a Digital Course
Jen Roberts |
4/16/2020 |
Going LIVE! |
Writing Live(s): Joining the Community of ERWC Bloggers with Jennifer Fletcher and Jonathon Medeiros
Jennifer Fletcher and Jonathon Medeiros |
5/12/2022 |
In the Classroom |
Kelly Gallagher Presents The Fall 2023 Webinar series kicks off with a very special guest. ERWC, in conjunction with the CSU Chancellor's Office, is proud to welcome Kelly Gallagher to our webinar community. Kelly Gallagher is the author of multiple books, including 180 Days: Two Teachers and their Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents, Readicide, Write Like This: Teaching Real-World Writing through Modeling & Mentor Texts, and Reading Reasons: Motivational Mini-Lessons for Middle and High School.
Recording Unavailable.
Kelly Gallagher |
9/21/2023 |
In the Classroom |
AI In Education Join the ERWC Community as we explore Generative AI as an emergent practice in the English classroom. Marc Watkins, an academic innovation fellow at the University of Mississippi will explore best practices in teaching students AI literacy, AI assistance, and AI aptitude.
Marc Watkins |
11/16/2023 |
of AI In Education
In The Classroom |
The Unlimited Teacher We kick off the 2024-2025 webinar series with hope for a new year. September’s webinar series presenter comes to you with ideas for removing the "limits" placed on educators and offers strategies for expanding and developing our approach to planning for academic success.
Marisa Thompson |
9/19/2024 |
of The Unlimited Teacher
Going LIVE! |
Reviving and Reinventing Sentence-Level Writing Instruction |
Martin Brandt |
2/17/2022 |
of Reviving and Reinventing Sentence-Level Writing Instruction
In the Classroom: Reading the World |
Grammar Instruction for Building Strong Readers ERWC welcomes back Matthew Johnson as he shares practical, on-the-ground solutions for making grammar and language instruction more accessible, practical, and connected to students’ reading, writing, and most importantly, the deep well of language knowledge they bring with them already. In this webinar, Matthew will share practices for creating language instruction that comes across clearer, sticks better, transfers easier, and ultimately instills a love of language, all while teaching major grammatical concepts.
Matthew Johnson |
1/23/2025 |
of Grammar Instruction for Building Strong Readers
Teaching for Change |
Better, Faster, and More Equitable Feedback |
Matthew Johnson |
4/20/2021 |
of Better, Faster, and More Equitable Feedback
The Language and Literacy Webinar Series |
Confronting Challenges in Teaching ELA and Writing Instruction Welcome back Matthew Johnson as he joins us for a discussion on some of the biggest issues facing teaching middle and high school students today, and how these changes impact writing instruction.
Matthew Johnson is a father, husband, and English language arts teacher in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is also a contributing writer for the New York Times Learning Network, EdWeek, and Edutopia and blogs regularly about writing instruction and pedagogy at
Recording Unavailable.
Matthew Johnson |
2/16/2023 |
Teaching for Change |
Developing Your "Talking Game": How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Classroom
Matthew Kay |
1/19/2021 |
Going LIVE! |
Hitting for Contact: Consistent Success in Race Conversations |
Matthew Kay |
2/24/2022 |
of Hitting for Contact: Consistent Success in Race Conversations
Spring ERWC Online Professional Learning |
Fostering Deeper Online Discussions in Synchronous (Real Time) and Asynchronous Formats
Mira-Lisa Katz and Heather Howlett |
5/12/2020 |
of Fostering Deeper Online Discussions in Synchronous (Real Time) and Asynchronous Formats
Going LIVE! |
Structuring Classroom Talk to Improve Student Literacy |
Nelson Graff |
3/23/2022 |
of Structuring Classroom Talk to Improve Student Literacy
The Language and Literacy Webinar Series |
Building Classroom Community through Civil Discourse This session will examine a cross-curricular approach to developing and maintaining a strong classroom community even in the face of contentious topics. Nichelle will introduce her strategies for promoting civil discourse--an alternative to either avoiding or fighting our way through contentious topics--to foster meaningful, thought-provoking classroom discussions.
Recording Unavailable.
Nichelle Pinkney |
10/19/2022 |
In the Classroom: Reading the World |
Strategies for Student-driven Learning with Secondary Readers and Writers Sarah Zerwin introduces her strategies for improving reading at the secondary classroom level. With nearly thirty years of classroom experience, Sarah offers a wealth of knowledge in addressing one of the greatest challenges confronting ELA teachers today: Engaging students in the reading process.
Sarah Zerwin |
11/14/2024 |
of Strategies for Student-driven Learning with Secondary Readers and Writers
In the Classroom |
Labor-based Grading Assessing students' writing is the most time-consuming task facing the ELA teacher. This webinar offers a new approach--one that values human relationships and the writing process over grades and authority--to developing student writers by focusing on the positive aspects of a writing task. Welcome Seth Czarnecki, an English teacher at Algonquin Regional High School in Northborough, MA, as he shares his strategies for providing unbiased writing assessment.
Seth Czarnecki |
12/7/2023 |
of Labor-based Grading
The Language and Literacy Webinar Series |
Deepening Our Understanding of Transfer of Learning Literacy strategies acquired in language arts classrooms are not exclusive to language arts; yet students often fail to recognize how to transfer them to other learning situations. Teaching students how to recognize the transferability of skills and strategies is therefore part of the learning process, and it begins with structuring your unit plans. Join the ERWC community as we kick-off our 2022/23 “Language and Literacy” webinar series with Trevor Aleo—co-author of the book “Learning That Transfers: Designing Curriculum for a Changing World”—who will explore the real-world possibilities of teaching for transfer.
Recording Unavailable.
Trevor Aleo |
9/15/2022 |
In The Classroom |
Antibias Literacy Instruction for Stronger Readers, Writers, and Thinkers We are excited to welcome Tricia Ebarvia to the ERWC community. Tricia is a lifelong educator, author, speaker, literacy consultant, and expert in curriculum design culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy, and social justice education. She will be sharing her perspective on improving students' reading, writing, and thinking skills.
Tricia Ebarvia |
3/14/2024 |
of Antibias Literacy Instruction for Stronger Readers, Writers, and Thinkers
Teaching for Change |
Talking and Teaching about Race in the Classroom Access password: VV.6L!Xg
Tricia Ebarvia |
2/17/2021 |
of Talking and Teaching about Race in the Classroom
In The Classroom |
Teaching with Technology Interested in using technology more effectively in the classroom? In this webinar, Troy Hicks--an ISTE Certified Educator--will introduce "'digital diligence'--an alert, intentional stane that helps both teachers and students use technology productively, ethically, and responsibly." Hear his strategies for minimizing digital distraction, fostering civil conversations, evaluating information on the internet, creating meaningful digital writing, and deeply engaging with multimedia texts.
Recording Unavailable.
Troy Hicks |
2/15/2024 |
In the Classroom: Reading the World |
Teaching Adolescent Readers in a Digital World The central question facing teachers today as they seek to engage students in reading is "How can we help adolescents become critical readers in a digital age?" In this webinar, Troy Hicks will share what he learned in his research into adolescent reading practices in a dozen middle and high school classrooms and the subsequent tools created to assist students in connecting to their reading. Hicks will offer practical tips and highlight classroom practices that engage students in reading and thinking with both print and digital texts, thus encouraging reading instruction that reaches all students.
Troy Hicks |
10/24/2024 |
of Teaching Adolescent Readers in a Digital World