Note: Participants must have completed a 4-Day Introductory Course and have access to the ERWC Online Community.
Workshop Structure: Online via Zoom
Sponsoring CSU Campus: CSU Fresno
Instructors: Dr. Virginia Crisco, Erich Phinizy, Sharon Uyeno, CSU EAP Coordinator, CSU Fresno
County Regional Lead: Lisa Benham
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 21, 2025, at 11:59 P.M.
Course Description
This Two Learning Focus Hybrid (asynchronous and virtual) Intensive Workshop will give certified ERWC teachers a chance to expand their knowledge through the lens of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In particular, we want to focus on continuing to cultivate students’ agency and support them in engaging individual and collective learning (aka expert learning). This workshop will additionally focus on strategies for creating accessibility for all students – not just students with disabilities – through multiple means of action and expression, engagement, and representation. Participants will have a chance to plan a module with UDL strategies in mind. They will also learn the importance of scaffolding – and not over scaffolding – and applying accommodations and modifications (as appropriate). Drawing on the new UDL guidelines, we will also address building stronger communities in the classroom and work toward creating anti-biased-informed instruction. Not only will we focus on supporting teachers to move toward embedding UDL pedagogies into their classrooms, we also would like to create a professional learning that models UDL strategies as well. We will open the learning focus 1 intensive asynchronous element on Monday the 24th of March 2025, have a virtual meeting from 3:30-6:30 on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025 and open the learning focus 2 asynchronous element on Monday, April 7th 2025, have a virtual meeting from 3:30-6:30 on Wednesday, April 9th, 2025. We expect participants to complete the asynchronous element by Sunday, April 20th.